An Impromptu note to self

I have had a recurring issue, where I would hear a gist/gossip about myself and I would want to go to the gisting bodies and clarify or clear my name. Not only did this not help me in the long run, it also had a way of multiplying the pain I felt at the time of said incident. It happened one too many times. I would tell myself I need to let them know the real truth, show them proof of the lie being spilled, not necessary to damn the other party involved, but just to point out the lies flying around. Little did I know that said act was an act of reopening wounds over and over again in itself and not giving it time to heal. 

After I had reopened the wounds, I would realize I had distributed yet another gist again, another one that I would have the inclining to go again trying to rectify, talmbout words of confrontation init.

I know gist is sweet, very sweet for that matter, but know when to shut it down. if you don’t entertain it, you wouldn’t give people what to twist.

It may be an incident that really hurt you and you feel you have a right to express your grievance, as my people would say, “it’s from clap dance use to start”, you may start out to say little but emotions can creep in and cloud your mind, and before you know it, you are speeding through the highway of the conversation with renewed anger.

Give yourself time, time does wonder to clarity of mind.

It’s hard to take just a bite of ‘sweet’ gist, especially when you feel you were wronged.

Learn to also shut down stories of others. I had an incident where an acquaintance called me with the story of an ill that happened to a mutual acquaintance. Guys the gist was so sweet, I kept ad libbing giving room for more, we switched to another mutual acquaintance. I really enjoyed the story. 

The next day, another gist came to me, I was the center of the conversation this time, I was so pissed, then it dawned on me, when it was another person, the gist was sweet, when it became me, the gist became sour. 

This made me sit down and evaluate all those situations I had previously found myself in. I realized, I gave a thread before they took a yarn, meaning, if I don’t give a thread, no one would see a yarn to take. Although I know and can’t help but stan that some people exist that would go the extra mile to create that thread you did not give, that shouldn’t deter you, living right should be the goal.

I had to tell myself, It is not every time a seemingly sweet gist comes knocking that I open the door, I need to learn to shut the door in its face, however hard it might be.

Sometimes ask yourself, what is the purpose of this conversation?

Check yourself from your answer. Also, does it edify yourself or the other person?

Then we have the ginger party, the ones that would hype the offense meted till you find yourself running full speed into the abyss of anger. Sometimes just breathe, and take no heed to them because you wouldn’t be pissed forever, but the damage you can cause in your anger can last a long while.

Above all, listen to the Holy Spirit, because e get why.

This is an Impromptu note to self as I cast my own stones.

Scriptural backings:

Jam 4:11a: Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. 

Eph 4:29: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Jam 1:26: Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.


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