Finding True Joy

Aiken Voka In a world filled with trials, hardships, and struggles, it can be all too easy to lose sight of joy. But as Christians, we are called to a different way of living, one that is marked by an unshakable joy that comes from our faith in God. This joy is not dependent on … Continue reading Finding True Joy

Are We Ever 100% Ready?

Are we ever a 100% ready? Is there ever a time when we don't feel a thousand reasons to pause, just wait until we have fixed this or that, wait until we have moved to a different location, wait till we get a different job, wait till we have ample time… There's never an end … Continue reading Are We Ever 100% Ready?


Lazham Gaina’s Photography In the opening chapter of 2 Corinthians 4, In what seemed like a trying time Paul encouraged the people not to lose their motivation or get discouraged even when persecution came calling from different sides. He pushed on in his encouragement giving graphic descriptions and expressions of being pressured, pressed, perplexed, unsure … Continue reading JOY

To the carpenters first son, Hopelessness’ bane

For in foundations-deep this bane resides, From it our sight he brewed.  A Lion's den, a burning furnace,  An affirmation to this infinity I see. With the last of my embryonic fear  Shedding in grace's mighty embrace, Like a parting sea, a prodigal racing to his father, I see hope erupting in violent splatters. Nehemiah … Continue reading To the carpenters first son, Hopelessness’ bane